Transform Your life with The Way of Harmony®


Are You Ready for a Deeper Connection
with the World Around You?

For over two decades, Will Monroe Whittle has explored ancient wisdom and indigenous perspectives in some of the most intriguing cultures on Earth. He has worked with thousands of people around the globe to develop The Way of Harmony®, a framework designed to bring empowering wisdom into your life so you can break free from the unconscious patterns that are holding you back, and experience a deeply authentic connection within yourself, with other people, and with your purpose in the world.

If you’re ready for meaningful change, The Way of Harmony® can take you beyond your current challenges, bring you back to an authentic experience of yourself, deepen your relationships, and help you align with the inspired life you truly want to live.

The Way of Harmony® begins with a foundational program focused on building Self Mastery in your personal, professional and everyday life.